Do you know the tune Ten Little Indians?

About ten years ago in chapel at BJU, Dr. Greg Mazak was preaching one day on the importance of being kind to each other. It seems there was a concern among the faculty about a spirit of meanness pervading the campus.

I don't actually remember much, if anything about his sermon. What I remember is when he was nearly at the end, he turned to the pianist and said, "Do you happen to know the tune 'Ten Little Indians'?" The pianist, an accomplished grad student with a degree in piano performance, appeared bemused but gave the affirmative. "Could you play it?" Obligingly, the pianist tapped out the tune. Dr. Mazak then explained to the crowd of 4000+ students and faculty that although he was not a good singer, he wanted to teach us a simple song to help us remember to be kind. Then, while the pianist accompanied him on the piano he sang,

Be ye kind one to another

Tenderhearted, forgiving one another

Even as God for Christ's sa-ake

Hath forgiven you

He was a horrible singer. He was such a bad singer that he got a round of applause for his valiant effort.

I taught that song to my kids this week. I smiled when I remembered fondly Dr. Mazak, willing to embarrass himself in front of the entire student body to teach us that little mnemonic for God's will for us. He must have known we would never forget it. A good reminder back then, and now!

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